Thursday, September 2, 2010

Raiders remember a classmate.

Missed, but never forgotten
by Stephanie Meza

It's been a year since the death of our fellow and beloved former Raider, Marcos Isaac Ramirez better known as "Chueco." His death was a big shock and an eye-opener for all the raider community. It made everyone realize that a bad decision can have serious consequences. Former Raider, Marcos, was coming back home from a night out in Tijuana, Mexico. Marcos was offered a ride home by one of his friends, and he accepted. On the road, the driver started a street race against another car, and at one point the race got out of control and both cars crashed. Unfortunately, Marcos lost his life during this accident. He was 18 years old.

It was very difficult for many raiders to hear that Marcos was gone. Everyone was in shock, everyone knew that this accident could have been prevented, and no one could believe Marcos was gone. It was like a bullet to the hearts of everyone. Everyone that knew Marcos would tell you he was very nice, a great friend, great student, great soccer player, always was easy-going and had a smile on his face. Marcos had a great future ahead of him, but one bad decision ended it all. However, Marcos death will not be in vain.

Everyone always talks about car safety, and even jokes around with the famous "click it or ticket." However, these precautions are very important, because they can save a life. YOU are responsible for yourself, there's not always going to be an adult there to say "put your seat belt on!" or "don't drive so fast!" You have the voice of reason, and remember that unnecessary mistakes often have the biggest consequences.

Now, a year after his death, his friends still remember Marcos every day. Last year's soccer team had the annual alumni vs team game dedicated to Marcos. During half time, Coach Medina had a ceremony and delivered a speech that brought tears to everyone's eyes. Also, there has been a mural painted in his honor on the track - the mural is a shirt with the #12. It's a symbol of his years as a soccer player at Southwest. It's been a year, and he still runs through everyone's thoughts; there's not one day when his friends and families don't think about him. Everyone misses him, but he's in a better place now.
You will be MISSED but NEVER forgotten.
R.I.P Marcos Isaac Ramirez "Chueco"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Raiders Mob Dance for the Media

Raiders show off their dance skills.
by Vianney Casas

Flash Mob dance:Large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place and perform an unusual dance.

August 27, 2010 is a very important day for us Raiders. We had a chance to show off our Raider spirit. We had been waiting for it for weeks. We couldn't wait to show what The SOH Raiders were all about. The news would record it; almost every person in San Diego would watch us, and finally that August 27 came.

“ We will perform the mob dance on the 27th, KUSI News will be coming to record us“. Confusion and excitement filled the room as soon as the words came out of our teachers' mouths, and next thing we all new is we were practicing this weird yet fun and cool dance in our classes. Mob dance practices took place during step being led by Ms. Bush’s dance students, and surprisingly enough teachers practiced too! We practiced and practiced until everybody got it right. Everyone waited eagerly and with excitement for that 27 of August.

When the day came, you could feel the excitement among all Raiders, and if you looked around you would see the colors red, white and gold. It seemed like the perfect day, the weather was unpredictably cool. After some quick announcements and instructions everyone went out to the fields with their first period class. We were all arranged in rows, the dance students placed in the front. The cameras were already there. The excitement grew a little more, however this time combined with a bit of nerves. Once everyone was in their assigned place, the song “I got a feeling” by 'The Black Eyed Peas' started playing, and Raiders started dancing. The cameras started recording, flashes were everywhere and suddenly people were fist pumping, clapping from side to side and snapping fingers to the beat of the music. Everything went as it had been expected, although I must say, it went even better.

Raiders: Great job! You showed off your spirit and now we’re all stars. Now let the other schools be jealous.

*If you want to check out how the Raiders danced, here’s the link: